The Advanced Safety Orientation for Construction Industry program is a series of safety courses that target hazards and precautions common to construction sites and construction-related work activities. This program is ideal for newly hired construction workers who need a solid foundation in hazard recognition skills.
The Advanced Safety Orientation for General Industry program is a series of safety courses that target hazards and precautions common to manufacturing operations and other industrial settings. Employers and employees alike will benefit greatly from information provided in this program. This training is ideal for newly hired employees because it quickly helps increase foundational hazard identification skills.
The Advanced Safety Orientation for Managers and Supervisors in Construction program is ideal for all construction workers, including project managers and superintendents. While this program contains some of the same courses included in other advanced orientation programs, the program for managers/supervisors features safety management information and an even wider range of topics.
This bundle is aimed at CDL driver orientation and addresses awareness training based on the CSA 7 BASICs. This bundle includes Compliance Safety Accountability Overview for Drivers, DOT Driver Compliance, Safe Vehicle Operations, Vehicle & Roadside Inspections, Driver Wellness, Accident and Breakdown Procedures, HAZMAT Transportation - Security Awareness, Driver Fatigue, and Load Securement and Distribution.
Rigging is the process of moving heavy load with slings, chains, hoists and other special tools. The equipment used for lifting and moving loads is also called rigging. Cranes can be very dangerous when used in an unsafe manner. It is the signal person that provides instructions to the crane operator and it is vital that the crane operator follow the signal person’s instructions. Both of these individuals play an important role in th MORE...
This suite discusses two very important topics regarding Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation (DOT) regulations. The first half of this suite provides an overview of the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA). RCRA is an environmental regulation that establishes a framework for the management of solid and hazardous wastes from point of generation through transportation all the way up to treatm MORE...
Working with electricity can be dangerous. Workers performing service or maintenance on machinery and equipment may be injured by the unexpected startup of the machinery or equipment, or release of stored electrical energy in the equipment. In fact, failure to lock out machinery before working on it is a major cause of injury and death. These deaths and injuries can be prevented by establishing and following an effective lockout/tago MORE...
Construction workers use cord- and plug-connected electrical equipment every day. Because the equipment is so common, it is easy to forget that it can be dangerous. Take this course to refresh your memory about electrical hazards and how to protect yourself. Ideal learners are construction workers.
Los trabajadores de la construcción usan equipo eléctrico conectado con cable y enchufe todos los días. Como este equipo es tan común, es fácil olvidar que puede ser peligroso. Tome este curso para recordar los riesgos eléctricos y cómo protegerse a sí mismo. Los estudiantes idóneos son los trabajadores de construcción.
Cada año, muchos trabajadores sufren heridas o mueren a causa de caídas en el lugar de trabajo. Las caídas generalmente son eventos complejos que involucran una variedad de factores. Esta capacitación cubre los sistemas y los procedimientos diseñados para prevenir las caídas en o a través de los niveles de trabajo y proteger a los trabajadores de golpearse con la caída de objetos.
Each year, many workers are hurt or killed as a result of falls in the workplace. Falls are usually complex events that involve a variety of factors. For that reason, the OSHA fall protection standard deals with both human- and equipment-related issues for protecting workers from fall hazards. This training will cover systems and procedures designed to prevent falls off, onto or through working levels and to protect workers from bein MORE...
Hazardous chemicals are present on most construction sites and can put people at risk. The chemicals and their uses may be different for each job, but how we should communicate about hazards is the same. Take these courses to learn about written program, label and safety data sheet requirements. Knowing what to expect and how to find safety information could prevent you from being hurt. This course is ideal for all construction worke MORE...
Have you ever heard the old expression that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results? We can apply that expression to safety in the case of companies that keep doing the same things over and over but somehow expect that their workplaces will somehow become safer. The bottom line is that we have to look at what we are doing and figure out how we can improve. That is why we have i MORE...
¿Ha oído alguna vez la expresión que la definición de locura es hacer lo mismo una y otra vez y esperar diferentes resultados? Podemos aplicar esa expresión a la seguridad en el caso de empresas que continúan haciendo algunas cosas una y otra vez y de alguna manera esperan que sus lugares de trabajo sean más seguros. En definitiva, debemos observar lo que hacemos y descubrir cómo podemos mejorar. ¡Es por eso que poseemos investigacio MORE...
Workers use ladders so frequently on construction sites that they often forget or underestimate how dangerous they can be. It is important that you know how to safely select, inspect, set up and use ladders. Doing so can prevent accidents, falls and even deaths. This suite is ideal for anyone who works in construction.
This program provides information about worker rights, employer responsibilities and how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require this course, w MORE...
Este programa ofrece información acerca de los derechos a los trabajadores, responsabilidades del empleador y cómo identificar, abatir, evitar y prevenir los peligros relacionados con el trabajo. Aunque se cubren muchos temas esenciales de seguridad, para su seguridad, se requiere información adicional específica para los sitios así como demostraciones prácticas de habilidades, y para cumplir la capacitación requerida por las normas MORE...
This program provides information about worker rights and employer responsibilities and describes how to identify, abate, avoid and prevent job-related hazards. Although many essential safety topics are covered, additional site-specific information and hands-on demonstrations of skills are ultimately needed for your safety and to fulfill training requirements found in OSHA standards. Many jurisdictions, employers and unions require t MORE...
Federal law provides employees with the basic right to know the extent and consequences of their exposure to harmful substances they work with. This means they are entitled to full access to all of the medical and exposure records generated for them while working for a given employer. This course covers employee rights to access medical exposure records, how to access those records and what information is exempt from employee access.
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